
Let’s craft لَا تُنْسَى* user experiences.

*لا تُنْسَى unforgettable in English


About Me

I'm Ahmed Samy

Fullstack Web Developer

Since i was a kid, i was fascinated by the world of computers and how they work. when 2020 came i started immersing myself in the intricate realm of coding and web development. As time marched on, I found myself fortunate to craft software for a diverse array of clients.

Currently, my primary focus revolves around crafting products for my current workplace. During my free time, I spend time crafting products for clients as a freelancer and sometimes i delve into exploring new concepts, trends, and emerging technologies.

When I’m not at the computer, you'll often find me immersed in music, socializing with friends, or indulging in some movie watching. It's a refreshing break from the digital world.

My Projects

I prioritize client privacy and only showcase projects with their explicit approval

My Skills


Copyright © 2024 Ahmed Samy.